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A small collection of books authored by A.W. Tillinghast
the course beautiful
A.W. Tillinghast considered himself to be the Dean of American golf course architects. He wrote extensively on the subject of golf architecture for Golf Illustrated, the American Golfer, the PGA of America and may other leading golf journals. Over 100 of his essays on golf course architecture were compiled in The Course Beautiful. This book has received tremendous critical acclaim, and only a limited number of copies are available for $150 signed and numbered each plus shipping and handling per book.
gleanings from the wayside
A.W. Tillinghast (“Tillie”) designed and constructed golf courses throughout North America. He did so in a time before interstate highways and air transportation. From the early teens through the late nineteen-thirties, Tillie traveled the continent, primarily by automobile, designing and redesigning golf courses. In this third volume of essays, Gleanings From The Wayside, Tillie recollects many of his travels and humorous tales. He also recalls in detail his design principals and opinions on modern golf course architecture. This book is now available for $50.00 plus 6.00 shipping and handling per book.
a.w. tillinghast: creator of golf courses
The First Biography of A.W. Tillinghast who was a Promethean figure in American golf. Designer of world-class courses such as Winged Foot, Baltusrol and Bethpage Black, “’Tilly” was also a brilliant essayist and influential advocate for the game.
Cobble Valley Books
Authored by A.W. Tillinghast. In August of 1915, a reviewer writing in the American Golfermagazine wrote, “We have just finished reading with feigned regret, Mr. A.W. Tillinghast’s book 'Cobble Valley Golf Yarns'… regret that we have reached the end, the eighteenth hole as it were…”
The Mutt and Cobble Valley Golf Yarns
Tilly’s passion for writing and telling a story found a home at the Cobble Valley Golf Club, a mythical place where he delighted his contemporaries with tales of whimsy and mystery. Today these delightful tellings might seem simple, but actually they give an insight into just how much we have changed, grown, and in many ways diminished as people.
Both 1915’s, Cobble Valley Golf Yarns, and its 1925 sequel, The Mutt, will allow the reader to see a bit into the mind of the architectural genius of Tilly and more into him as a man, but mostly into the reader himself and the joy he derives from the game of golf. Available as a set from The Tillinghast Association for $75 plus shipping and handling.
Both 1915’s, Cobble Valley Golf Yarns, and its 1925 sequel, The Mutt, will allow the reader to see a bit into the mind of the architectural genius of Tilly and more into him as a man, but mostly into the reader himself and the joy he derives from the game of golf. Available as a set from The Tillinghast Association for $75 plus shipping and handling.
To order, mail a check payable to:
The Tillinghast Associationc/o Stuart Wolffe602 Somerset RoadBaltimore, Maryland 21210
For additional information, please contact: Stuart Wolffe, stuartwolffe@gmail.com
For additional information, please contact: Stuart Wolffe, stuartwolffe@gmail.com